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Israeli 7 ('Agave Honey Figs' flavor)

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 12:15 am
by alanmercieca
'Israeli 7' ('Agave Honey Figs' flavor)

An unknown cultivar that originated from Israel over 40 years ago, 1 cutting of this unknown cultivar was brought in to the USA by a pastor who was on a missionary trip to the Holy Land, he stumbled upon this fig tree during that mission, the pastor loves the figs from this unknown cultivar, the best figs he's ever had, he loved the figs so much that he was willing to get in to trouble bringing a cutting of this unknown cultivar back with him.

This pastor gave the stepdad of 'Malcolm Heath' a cutting of this unknown cultivar about 26 years ago when 'Malcolm Heath' was a little boy, and the tree that was grown from that cutting was neglected for about 25 years. The tree grown from this cutting has never had any die back from the cold in it's Greenville, NC spot. The tree has never had any winter protection.

'Malcolm Heath' being such a computer nerd he forgot about this fig tree, and he had eaten from this tree only once, then his stepdad reminded him about the fig tree in July 2020, so he ate figs from the tree again, some of the best figs he could imagine. He shared the fruit with lots of people. He dried a bunch with the dehydrator his stepdad gave him.

This cultivar is a common type that produces a very minor breba crop, if at all, yet it's main crop is quite prolific. Pollination by the fig wasp is not required. This fig is quite reliable, once the tree is mature it produces a sizable crop every year.

It's figs have a limited amount of splitting in humid climates. The eye remains tight throughout the year.

The skin of it's fruit turns bronze as it ripens, yet the skin often keeps a bit of its green sheen where the sun doesn't hit it directly, even when ripe.

It's fruit are honey figs without a honey taste, they have a agave nectar like taste, with just a faint hint of berry.

This unknown cultivar is a vigorous producer even if planted in a hard-packed clay which is highly acidic, and does not drain well at all. In that kind of soil it keeps a dwarfed bush shape.

Cuttings of this cultivar roots very well.