Sumbarskii (pomegranate)

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Sumbarskii (pomegranate)

Post by alanmercieca »

'Sumbarskii' is also called 'Sumbarski', 'DPUN 132', and '12993'.

'Sumbarskii' is said to have originally been from 'northern Iran' in the 'Sumbar valley' region of Western Kopetdag.

This cultivar was test grown in Russia at the 'Kara-Kala Turkmenistan Experimental Station'.

That 'Experimental Station' donated cuttings of 'Sumbarskii' which were imported to the USA 'by Boyce Thompson Southwestern Arboretum' on January 1999. Every cultivar that the 'Experimental Station' helped to import to the USA was labeled as a Russian pomegranate, regardless of their original origin.

It's very cold hardy, to at least -15 Celsius '5 degrees Fahrenheit', most likely more cold hardy than that. When big enough this cultivar can survive late frosts.

The peel of it's fruits are Red.

'Sumbarskii' is not the same cultivar as the 'Sumbar' cultivar. 'Sumbarskii's fruit is slightly smaller than the fruit of the 'Sumbar' cultivar, 'Sumbarskii' produces medium sized fruits. The dark-red arils of it's fruit provides a light-red juice. The arils, the juice, and the flesh have a very good sweet 'yet mild taste' with little acidity, has a very good sweet-tart-sour balance, 20% sugar verses 1.85% acidity. It's fruit is resistant to cracking. Fruit starts to mature early in the year, one of the earliest 'of the earliest' cold hardy pomegranate cultivars. This cultivar is great in climates with short summers. It's seeds are soft, and small.
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