‘Leopardo Morettini’ ('European pear type')(also known as 'PI 318867')

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‘Leopardo Morettini’ ('European pear type')(also known as 'PI 318867')

Post by alanmercieca »

‘Leopardo Morettini’ (it's pear fruit is the 'European pear type')(This cultivar is also known as 'PI 318867').

The quality of it's fruit is '7 out of 9'.

The flesh of it's medium sized fruit is very buttery, it's sweet flavor is similar to that of 'Beurré Superfin'. It's fruit has an interesting fine net-like russet that covers the entire fruit, russeting is an '8 out of 9'. This cultivar is often grit free. The texture of it's flesh is a '2 out of 9'. The color of it's skin is 'yellow'.

“Flavor is an important characteristic of any pear released in Italy, and this is no exception,” - curator Joseph Postman, this cultivar was one of the curator's top 18 choices.

Fruit skin lenticels quantity '1 out of 9', fruit skin lenticel size '1 out of 9', highly 'Core Breakdown resistant',

It's Bloom Density '7 out of 9'. This cultivar has a strong resistance to 'leaf scab disease', a strong resistance to 'rust disease', damage caused by fruit scab '2 out of 9', damage caused by 'pseudomonas' '3 out of 9', damage caused by 'blister mites' '7 out of 9'.

It's a hybrid cross between 'Coscia x Decana d'Inverno ('Doyenne d'Hiver' aka 'Beurré Easter'). It originated from Firenze, Italy (Florence, Italy). It was released in 1967 by 'Alessandro Morettini' of the 'Centro di Studio Miglioramento Piante da Frutto'.
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